Carl Schubert
Fine Furniture * Custom Design
ABOUT THE CRAFTSMAN "I became interested in woodworking at a very young age. My grandfather was a furniture maker; he came from Austria at a very young age and learned his skills the old way. His shop was very spartan and the few machines he had were all run from a single source with large pulleys and belts. The furniture he made was elegant and beautifully crafted. At the age of 5 I was impressed with how apple wood could become beautiful chairs.
Following high school I was lucky enough to be employed by a local piano technician, rebuilding grand pianos. I learned finishing and repair and how the old masters who built Steinways and Baldwin Pianos accounted for wood movement and how the properties of wood could change the tone and timber of the sounds from the strings. After 3 years of woodworking I embarked on my formal education and a 15 year hiatus from wood.
While on vacation in 1993, I happened upon some handcrafted furniture that rekindled my desire to work with wood. Following some amateurish attempts at chairs I felt I needed some formal woodworking education. I began with several basic woodworking and cabinet classes and some project specific instruction. Through the years I have had many instructors and colleagues who have inspired and guided me. Please see the credits page for my most inspirational instructors. My goal in my creations is to build the most comfortable, aesthetically pleasing, furniture possible. As I progress on this journey I continue to test my skills and try and push the limit of form and function. I am continuously impressed with the wood artisans I encounter in my life, and am inspired evermore to go beyond the basic." - Carl Schubert

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